Monday, November 26, 2007

A visit from my cousins

This Thanksgiving, my Nan, my Aunt Kristy,
and all my cousins came to visit.
We had a great time hanging out and playing together!

All the cousins together!

Here we all are at the Garfield Park Conservatory
with my Da and my Aunt Kristy

Finley being supercute

We went to the Kohl Children's museum where I got my face painted

Here I am doing homeland security with my stuff.
(that's what my Da called me near the end of the visit)

Nan and us babies

Sophia and Emily

Hayley doing her best Susie imitation

Me and Aunt Kristy

Eating cupcakes with Sophia

Finley and Gravis the kitten

I just love Hayley! (and Sophia, and Finley, too!)

Making music with Finley

Eating edamame

Finley and Toby

At the conservatory

Susie and Hayley looking very nice

Playing in the plants with Da

The only picture of Mama (I'm ne ne-ing!)

Sophia at the conservatory

Holding hands with Sophia

Lauren and me playing pegs at the museum

Mom and me at the museum

Finley and Nan at the museum

Making music together

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year I went out to dinner with Mama, Da,
my Nan, Finley, and Auntie Kirsty!

Finley and I had a lot of fun jumping around the table,
so there aren't too many pictures, but here they are!

Adventures with my foster kittens

We had some foster kittens for three weeks.
I named them Cookie, Toby, Gravis (yes, Gravis), and Lila.

They just went to Petsmart yesterday--and all of them got homes.
Here are some pictures of me and my cousin Finley playing with them.

Here I am being the treat czar

Here we are!

Finley and Cookie

Feeding Lila

I really liked playing Charles Dickens action figure man

Gravis on the left and Lila on the right.
You can see how Lila, who is the only girl, is half the size of the other kitties

Toby when we first got him

Toby right before he left to be adopted
(you can see how fat he got from all my treats)

Cookie on the left, Lila in the right


More Charles Dickens

Finley and Gravis

More treat czar-ing

Hugging Cookie

Finley trying to play Charles Dickens (you can't see him, but he's on the right)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

A trip to the farm

I forgot to post this earlier, so here it is.
A few weeks ago, I went with Du-Du (Lauren), Teddy,
and Boppy (Aunt Liz) to Buckley Homestead, a farm in Indiana.
We saw some sheep and cats, and had a good time.

Here I am checking out the sheep

Teddy and I disagreed over who would drive the car

Checking out more sheep.

Teddy and a sheep (there were lots of sheep there!)

Lauren and Lady being silly in the car

Lauren climbing a fence

A video of Teddy and some sheep

Sitting in some corn

Another shot of was in the back of a big truck

Checking out the sheep....I didn't actually want to feed them,
but I did grab several handfuls of corn