For this Easters, first I dyed eggs with Lauren and Teddy on Friday.
You can see the pictures here.
On Sunday, I first went to brunch with Teme and the gang.
Then I went with Mom and Mommy to Heidi's house (she's Mommy's cousin).
I had a lot of fun!
Here are the pictures from brunch:
I really liked slurping some jello
Me and my cousins on some booster seats (which we put on the floor!)
Another cute one on the boosters
Eating dessert with Lauren
Lauren eating a petit fours
My reaction to a different petit fours
Lauren and Larry (her daddy)
Teme, Carole, and Michael
Teddy and Boppy
More booster seat fun
The booster train
Here are the pictures from the party at Heidi's house:
Here I am playing with my shoes
Everyone eating some Easter candy
Mom, Jacqui, Heidi and Holly
I jumped and danced with all the kids--we played for a while!
The two Hollaces
More candy
I really liked the soft couch
More damcing and jumping
Holly and my cousin Liza
Cleaning up afterwards