Sunday, December 21, 2008

When I was down in North Carolina, my cousins and I had our portraits done. Here are some of the pictures from our session. The place was crowded, but we actually had a really nice day. We all went out to lunch afterward and had a good time together as cousins.

Here's all of us:
Me, Hayley, Sophia, Finley, and Emerson

Hayley and Sophia

Another one of them together

Finley and Me...
we didn't order this one as a sheet and Mama is kicking herself up and down!
Also, we couldn't get one of Finley and Emerson together.

And here are the individual shots:

Finley (she's 2 and 3/4)

Emerson (she's 5 1/2 months here)

Sophia (she's 9)

Hayley (she's 13)

Me (I'm 2 and 1/2)
There's lots of me since I did a full session since
I haven't had any formal portraits since my first birthday (oops!).

Here's another one of all of us!

Sunday, December 07, 2008

Happy Late Thanksgiving...from North Carolina

This Thanksgiving we did something different (for me at least), and Mama, Da, and me all piled into the car and went down to Winston-Salem to visit my Nana, my Aunts, and my cousins. We were especially excited to meet my newest cousin, Emerson Rose, who is now just shy of six months old.

We almost didn't make it down there since Mama got diagnosed with chicken pox a few days before we were supposed to leave....and yes she had it as a kid and no, it is NOT the shingles, it is definitely the chicken pox twice. We know because I now have it too (and I had the vaccine) and we are hoping that Emerson and Finley do not get it too.

These pictures are late since our camera situation is a little precarious....we are using a broken digital camera that does not let us see or review the pictures as we take them, so we cannot tell if a picture has actually been taken or not. As such, we don't seem to have any pictures of the actual Turkey Day. Although Mama KNOWS she took pictures that day (remember, Hayley?) Booooo!

But please do enjoy them.
Here goes:

On Tuesday, we went to the Children's Museum in Winston-Salem

First we played in the downstairs area together...this is Finley and me in the construction area

And here I am at the top of the stairs

More construction work

Here's Finley playing blocks with Kristy

They had this fun crocodillo (my favorite)

But I wouldn't take a picture on it with Da!

Later, we all went upstairs to the other play areas....this was the only picture Mama got of all three of us girls. I know, pretty lousy.

I really liked the dolly area, but Finley wasn't interested

So we did some rowing together

More rowing

Then Auntie Kristy showed me a bunch of woodland animals

I really liked the chicken....

And then a bad raccoon attacked her!!!!!
(Which was actually pretty funny!)

We also got in a quick picture of Nana!

Here's Finley on the go!

Emerson, meanwhile, did her cute little thing!

She even smiled for me!

There was this really cool Three Bears and Billy Goats Gruff exhibit,
but she was the only one who stood still long enough to take a picture!

Finally, we took a trip to the Food Lion grocery store

As you can see by the video, we had a lot of fun and
Finley picked out a lot of yellow produce!

Later on, we went back to Auntie Kim's...
here I am playing with Bernie the doggie.

Finley put on a princess crown and passed out!

These were the pictures Mama took on Wednesday afternoon,
before we left to play at the park

The one lone shot we have of Sophia.
Hi Sophia! Thank you for playing so much princess and dolls with me and Finley!

Here's Daddy and Emerson on Friday before we left to get pictures

And here is Auntie Kim with Emerson, Justin, Nan, Finley, me, and Kali

I really love Emerson! Here I am helping out with her bottle

Later on I played with her and Da!

She was really a bit wary at the start of the trip,
but by Friday, she took quite a shine to Da!

I had a good time with Emerson and with Finley, and all my cousins, Aunts, and Nana!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

Okay, this is a side note from Catherine, the blogmaster:

This post is so very late because for some reason, blogger has decide to drive me absolutely CRAZY while creating and editing this post, and only this particular post. I cannot tell you how many times pictures and videos have disappeared, the fonts have randomly changed size on me (maybe they are different still, who knows?) Plus, all of the pictures I took on from the time we left for the park on Wednesday afternoon until Friday morning are just gone! And everyone knows I took pictures during Thanksgiving!

It's like this post had/has a ghost....Granny are you out there? Anyway, I hope this in whatever form this post finally appears that it captures some of the fun we all had, especially Olivia, in getting to visit everyone!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Introducing........Cupcake Q. Baxter the Kitty Cat

So we also trapped our outside kitty in the last few weeks.....surprise! she is a girl, not a boy.
Meet Cupcake Q. Baxter. She's named after the book "If You Give a Cat a Cupcake." We also call her Cuppy or Cupson Q. Cat, don't ask me why.

She went to get spayed almost immediately, as Mama thought she was pregnant....the PAWS people said no, but she thinks they were just don't lose a hard round belly like that overnight. Anyway, she is fine now and FIV negative. If you want her, let us know!

She is semi-tame, getting better every day. She gets scared and hisses when you try to grab and/or pet her, but she does like us and purrs very loudly and happily cuddles with my Mommy, Flint, and Delmar. She thinks Flint is her new cat Mommy!

Here she is!

She doesn't do much here, but at least you can see her better.

My Halloween

Okay I know this is a little late....well, a lot late, but I smeared some yogurt on the camera and it took a while to get things working again. We had to use Da's phone in the meantime, and that wasn't too'll see.

For Halloween this year, first I declared that it was "scary to me." That's my new phrase. Then literally a couple of days before, I told my teacher that I was planning on being a zebra and I wanted her to be a zebra too. Mom got me a nice horsie costume that I wore to the Highland Park Halloween Festival (and I DO have a picture after all!); incidentally, this was where Mommy caught the chicken pox for the second time (long, long story)

Big Mom also got me a really cool zebra outfit. Then at the last second, I decided that I also wanted to be a Baker chef, so I ended up having not one but three costumes, and I wore two at once!!!! And I trick-or-treated. When Da finally came home from work, as it was his last day on the late late shift, I told him, "look Da at all this candy I found!" He and Mommy were laughing about it.

Grace and Me...I am in my horsie costume....after saying I was scared of costumes!

Hi Tammy!

Here is the full zebra chef double costume!

What does a zebra chef make?

I don't know, but it has something to do with sticks....

From the side, it looks almost pumpkinish!

As I say, Happy Zebra-ing!

And if you really want to see it, keep scrolling.....

here is one of Mommy many chicken pox 'pox':