It's the last days before school starts so I have been spending a lot of time with Lauren, Teddy, and my Aunts Elizabeth (Boppy) and Rebecca (Baba). We have been doing summer stuff....going to the pool, hanging out, eating ice cream. All in all, it has been a real fun time. Here are the pictures, in no particular order.
I told Daddy I want a Teddy bike.....
I decided I'm going to skip a regular tricycle.
Teddy and me at the pool on Baba's phone. Mama forgot her camera and missed some great shots of Lauren and me on the waterslide.
Hanging out in a lawn chair
Teddy and Rebecca made this whole series of funny faces.....
So then I had to take a turn too of course!
This is a video of Lauren screaming .
Should you decide to watch it, consider yourself warned.
Rebecca trimmed the bushes and the trees at Liz's house. Mama made us all sit down in chairs to watch and then took a bunch of pictures of us.
Mama thought this was a really interesting picture.
This one too.
Lauren kind-of objected when Boppy took over the trimming.
She also kept falling over in her chair
Teddy made a funny face here!
We had to reorganize. Check out Lauren's expression!
We also went out for ice cream at Dairy Queen--sprinkle dip top, my favorite!
As I was changing into my PJs, I made a freedom run, so Teddy decided to strip and make a freedom run too!
The chase
Boppy and Lauren tried to corral us both. We thought we were hilarious!
Lauren saying sheesh!
Here's a picture of Lauren doing Teddy's hair after his haircut
She decided that she finally wants one too, but we'll have to see.
I'm not so sure he actually liked getting it done
Just before Mama took this video Teddy said, "We are hugging!"
Here is a still shot of us.
Best of all, I got an actual dog ride!!!!!!