Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Our critters--update!

As many of you know, we feed the squirrels in our yard. Otherwise, they come up to our porch and pretty much knock on the door and demand food. (We also have a black walnut tree.)

Well, we also have a raccoon and a possum who have lived here longer than we have. Story goes, on the day Mama and Da moved in they were relaxing on the porch towards evening, and the raccoon came around from the backyard, startled, and looked at them like "what are you doing here?!" He has remained in the yard or nearby, and we see him every so often after dark so Mama just tolerates him, especially since she just found out that his back leg is totally lame, and he can barely walk.

Anyway, he came around one evening right at dusk and Mama threw some leftover chinese food out for him (for fun since I thought he was funny) and we discovered something far more, shall we say, interesting in the yard....a kitten. The kitten has been coming back. So now we are trying to feed the kitten to gain his trust so we can trap him in a few weeks and either tame him or neuter him and put him back outside. And in the meantime, here are a few pictures that Mama took. The possum is too scaredy to take a picture. He runs away as soon as we open the window, and there is NO WAY we are going outside to take a look at any of them.

Our kitten friend (any name suggestions?)

Another shot

Mr. Raccoon aka Haku the Raccoon

He likes to look up at us when we open the window. He only has scary eyes in the picture, but we never ever try to get close to him. We didn't used to put cat food out, but now we know who was poaching all our tomatoes before they could turn from green to red. Darn raccoon!

The possum finally let Mama take a few pictures before he turned tail and ran. Meanwhile, Delmar, who was sitting on the windowsill, leaned over and bit her on the upper arm.

You can kind-of see his rat-tail in this's just like Clarence's!

After several minutes, he came back to see what was what and Mama got this picture of his face. See Tammy, kind-of like a cross between a rat, a ferret, and, I'm not sure what else. We don't like them much, but, hey, you know the story.


vesperstar said...

It's good to see pictures!

Raccoons, as mean as they are, have pretty faces. I'm sorry to hear he has a hurt leg.

I like your outdoor kitty. For some reason, when I look at that first picture of him, he seems slightly curmudgeonly. I thought of "George," then "Sinclair Lewis," which made me immediately think of Upton, since he's wild in Chicago too. I'm sure you'll come up with a good name for him.

Ms. K said...

The cat looks like a "Baxter" or "Dude" to me. The pictures definately make it look like its a male cat.