Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Mr DiMartino's birthday party

On Saturday we celebrated the 99th birthday of Mr. DiMartino. He's our Aunt Linda's father, and he is a very special person. He is still very sharp. He goes out to dinner, drinks wine, and he has a lady friend. We had a great day. It was a beautiful party at a restaurant with an outdoor patio.

Here's Aunt Linda and Mr. D

Mommy, Mr. D and me!

Teddy, Lauren, Kassidy and I all got to make our own pizzas.
It was lots of fun. Here are the pictures:

I kept eating the cheese!

The birthday boy!

Andrew and Uncle Bill

Our family

Near the end of hte party, Teddy took Mr. DiMartino's hat.

It was very funny, and Mr. D did not mind at all!

The cake....one of the 9 candles went mysteriously missing.

Then we found it

Eating cake with Da (well, frosting really)

Sitting in my chair....right before I stood up and fell off sideways.

Aunt Nancy and Uncle Bill

Kassidy and Da

Kassidy and her Dad, Michael

Being silly!

A visit to the farm

I went on a trip to Buckley Homestead Farm in Indiana with Boppy, Lauren, Teddy, and Larry.
We had a lot of fun, but right at the end Mama smashed her finger and got an ouchie. But she's okay now.

Teddy and Larry setting out

Checking out the turf

We went on a walk, but Teddy and I got scared of the deep dark woods.

Feeding the chickens

More chickens

On a jumping platform with the gang

Another shot

Throwing some rocks (one of my favorite activities, of course)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

A visit from my Nana

My Nana came to see me for my birthday.
It was so fun...
I miss her and I wish I lived closer so I could see her all the time

Playing with my music star

We went to the zoo...here are all the pictures.

I'm a bit too lazy to explain them all.

We also played sunglasses

Here I am getting Nan to try them

Being silly with Da for Nan!

And here I am doing my hopscotch...my new favorite game!

Friday, May 09, 2008

Kaitlyn's Birthday

A couple weeks ago I went to my friend Kaitlyn's party.
I was crabby, though, so there aren't too many pictures.

This is the only one Mama got of me (with Liam)

Kate opening presents

Kate enjoying the book I got for her!