Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Me and the foster cat

So my mom found this cat outside in the blizzard last week and you know her, she just had to take him inside....which is fine with me since I LOVE cats!

Lauren decided that his name would be Miguel (after first rejecting Thomas and Jehoonia for names). Here he is--and if you want to adopt him, just email me and let me know!

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The staircase

Today I discovered the stairs......I'm going to drive my mom crazy!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

A visit with Tammy and JD

Go Bananas

Last night my mom took me to Go Bananas, a fun place to play in the extreme cold.

The Jeep ride was fun!

Teddy getting a strike in bowling

Lauren riding the pony

Teddy thinking about eating his pretzel

Lauren's bowling technique

Riding the Jeep ride with Lauren

Mr. T on the pony

Hey look, I'm an astronaut!

Got candy?

Thursday, February 08, 2007

A fun party

Auntie Melanie had her birthday party a few weeks ago and we went and it was really really fun.

Teddy waiting very very patiently for his slice of lemon merengue pie.
The pie was quickly devoured, and as it turns out, Teddy ended up with the biggest piece.

Party conversation

Say hi!

Me and a flashlight...yum!

Coffee with a large chunk of the women in the family

Rebecca and Mary making crabcakes

Mary being really cute!

Michael being silly

Michael being really silly